
Information security, speed and accuracy

An intuitive online platform that provides custody of tax files (XML) for the legal period of 05 years as determined by tax legislation, contributing to improved efficiency in internal processes and relationship with suppliers and customers.

With the Obsekium platform you can create your own data analysis from your database quickly and efficiently with amazing results!

Another benefit is the ease of decision-making. The platform provides structured access to the data contained in the XML files and generates information relevant to your business.


The Nanodata platform is fully focused on tax management services with the highest quality and technology, as well as offering information for decision making in the tax, financial, supply chain and marketing sectors.

Community Concept (Network)

The Community Concept (network) assists the areas of supplies (purchases), taxes, receipt of goods, financial, the prevention of errors and decision-making and provides also, a direct communication with suppliers, inserting it directly into the flow and process of receipt of goods.
Meet this differential without competitors and be surprised.

Data Intelligence

Get access to the most powerful reports and charts in the Analytics resource console, with access to online data that generates information with the dynamics needed for companies looking for efficiency in the relationship with Suppliers, Customers, and Federal Revenue Services (SEFAZ).

Understand how with our experts.

Team and Support

Highly trained team focused on providing customers and users with the best experience with easy direct channel access, telephone, chat and online support.